Our Friends Collection

Publicado por Marlene Geyer em

“We believe in second chances”

This is one of our slogans that we are keeping in our minds for whatever we do, as it is our mission to offer support to those who need it. With the dream of a world where no one gets left behind, it is important to always take care of each other. And just like those people who need our support to move towards the right direction, neither could we walk towards our big dream of a better future, if it weren’t for other companies and projects that share our vision of the world. Because together we have a bigger impact on society.

That is, why we have our so called “Friends - Collection”, where we sell products from organisations who have their own significant way of creating and supporting others.

So, let us take a closer look at each of the projects:

Inclusus Red and White Wine

Our first part of our Friends Collection. Inclusus Wine is the result of a project, that aims to enhance social reinsertion tools in the fields of viticulture and wine production.

AdegaMãe and EPL – Leira Prison Establishment (Youth) established a partnership to improve professional skills for young inmates. The Project, which started in 2018, relies on the commitment of those people from viticulture and wine harvest, right through the final work phase in the cellar.

“This is a project of great symbolic value for us (…). This brand of wine, Inclusus, is a way of alerting people to issues related with good practices of social rehabilitation and the future of these young people” says Bernardo Alves, the CEO of AdegaMãe.

The Red Wine offers a taste experience of an intense nose with fresh fruit and wild berries. The White Wine combines a citrus Aroma with a minor tropical note, which makes both wines a brilliant companion for dinner or a Wine Evening with (what else) friends!

Ervas da Vila

The Ervas da Vila Project started in November 2017 as a social entrepreneurship project with the focus to promote the integration of citizens with disabilities or incapacity into the labour market. The goal is to develop the expertise that enhances the autonomy and integration through the acquisition of skills and techniques in both personal and professional aspects.

The execution works by cultivating and reproducing spices, teas, and medical plants. The project’s beneficiaries are responsible for conducting activities from assembling the irrigation system, to farming and preparing the plants until they are ready to be placed in the market.

The Ervas da Vila project Is already a benchmark both in improving the social problem of unemployment of people with disabilities, as well as in the quality of the products in terms of a sustainable market.

As a perfect addition for a quiet Moment or some spice-up in your next dinner, we sell four different kinds of herbs as well as four different tea-flavours from their all-organic products.


Amal Soap

With one part of their manifests being: “Believe in the Power of Community. Give an Opportunity and Be a Drop in the Ocean – all together we make the Ocean alive.” Amal Soap is a project that sets similar values as we do.

Amal produces handcrafted soap made by women from Syria, who are living in Portugal, intending to build a bridge between these two cultures. Their Aim is to support refugees that are struggling in finding a job and help them to integrate.

Just like what their Name stands for (Hope in Arabic), Amal wants to empower those women and give them a fresh start and make them financially independent, socially integrated and above all hopeful for the future.

What started then as a student project to help minimize a societal problem, is now an establishment that creates an impact in other peoples’ lives.Amal brings together two cultures and combines both quality and impact.

The completely natural, gently crafted Soaps are made for different skin types due to its gentle formula and anti-inflammatory properties. In our Collection you can find five different kinds of Soaps with each having a different effect on your body and mind.


Being Pioneers in their field, EcoX is the first Company in the world, which transforms waste into 100% ecological detergents to create environmentally friendly cleaning products.                                        

The Portuguese Company aims to be an inspiration for global initiatives in the areas of ecology, recycling, and valorisation of resources, so in Addition to their innovative, stand-alone concept, all their products are vegan and biodegradable.

With their packaging and communication, EcoX has also received the Green Good Design Award. An Award that promotes exceptional companies and products who take steps towards a healthier and more sustainable universe.


We are thrilled to cooperate with all those organization and believe that supporting each other and these projects will increase our impact we as a team as well as individuals can have on the world.

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